Harmony is the most important in Japan
2013-08-20 at 17:24PM by
MikikoI would like to introduce Japanese culture here by writing blog.
I love to visit historical places and ritual ceremonies in my country.
I think being aware of our own culture and feeling grateful for heritage from our ancestors are very important especially for children to make core inside of us. Once we made core, we wouldn't go off course in our lives.
Today, I will talk about how Japanese are raised.
It is a big difference from western way.
Western people sometimes say to me "Why don't Japanese take long holiday? Is it because they are afraid of their position being taken?"
The answer is "No". When we go on vacation, someone has to cover our part of work. We Japanese don't like to make trouble with others something we remember from our school experiences.
In school, we study not only subject but also cooperation with classmates by cleaning and preparing lunch,etc.
Classmates make about 5 groups by seating order in the class, and each group has duty.
For example, group 1 members have to clean up their classroom by sweeping floor and wiping off all the desks, group2 cleans up the bathroom, group3 tidies up the courtyard, group 4 cleans up animal hutches and feed them, group5 prepares lunch by going to the school kitchen and carrying bread and bottles of milk from the kitchen to the classroom and dishing the food out to everyone. Each student has a duty and after 1 week, we change and another duty comes along the next week. If one student in a group does not perform, other students in the group have to cover his or her duties. It means the students has made trouble with others. We learn to cooperate finish the duties together at school.
After we grown up, this system still continues.
We are raised to keep harmony with others, not to be independent.

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